Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm Warming Up To Susy's Tag with the 20 Year "Tag"

I promised Miss Susy I'd do her "Things You Love" tag, but I really need to think about some (no.... not all!) of those before I write out that one.

So, as a warm-up of sorts, I'll do the 20 Years Tag:


1) I was almost 25 years old.
2) Unbeknownst to me, it was the last year of my first marriage. It was also the last year of my father's life.
3) I had been at the College where I used to work for three years and four months.


1) I was almost 35 years old.
2) I was a little over four months pregnant with our second child.
3) I had been at the College where I used to work for for thirteen years and four months.


1) I was just about to celebrate my 40th birthday... a major milestone that, for some strange reason, was freaking me out a lot more than my 30th birthday did!
2) After working my way up the ranks to obtain the Executive Assistant position for the President of the College, I felt morally obligated to leave, after a little over 18 years of working there. It was a difficult decision, but one I felt absolutely right in my heart about doing.
3) I'd found a rekindled spirit awakening, as I was FINALLY able to be the stay-at-home mom I'd wanted to be for years.


1) We'd just gotten past the celebration of our third child's first birthday.
2) Our oldest daughter was "officially" diagnosed with ADHD, and started taking her "listening medicine" as she called it, to help her focus more at school.
3) My husband accepted a new position as a washer and dryer repairman for a major department store.


1) I was getting a bit antsy, and feeling the need to find a way for me to do my part to earn some extra income.
2) Our son was working part-time at our local Boys and Girls Club.
3) Our oldest daughter was thriving in school, getting the extra help she needed for her phonics and spelling, and doing well on her medication.


1) After doing some praying and soul-searching, I asked for, and received, an excellent job prospect that I'm hoping will pan out for the best!
2) I watched my "baby" boy graduate from middle school.
3) Life as a stay-at-home mom has had some challenges (especially since our youngest has found her independence in some pretty vocal ways!), but I still firmly believe that my children are so much happier than they once were.


1) Worked really hard to get all of the remaining housework done, so we could all relax and take it easy today.
2) Found ways to entertain my two girls, who are getting a bit "house happy" because of all of the rain we've been having.
3) Made an appointment for my husband, our son, and I to attend a scholarship assistance conference in July, in preparation for his college career (YIKES!).


1) Ran to our local meat market to buy meats to use for our dinners for the next few weeks.
2) Also went to the grocery store, to pick up the few remaining ingredients I needed to make the lasagna I promised my little one I'd make for her today.
3) Relaxed for the better part of the day, and enjoyed time with my family.


1) Piddle around on the computer a bit.
2) Possibly take the kids to see "Kung Fu Panda", once I find out what my son's volunteer schedule at the Boys and Girls' Club is like for this coming week.
3) Do the usual "mom" tasks: straighten up the house, and maybe do some laundry, if needed.


1) Start my new position as a counselor for kids at a local after-school program, IF all the negotiations work in my favor (please pray for me that they do! :)
2) Watch my son enter into his first year of high school (again... how in the WORLD did that happen????)
3) Probably stress over my oldest daughter entering into fourth grade, which is a HUGE MCAS year for her this year.

I now tag my three blogger friends:


Let's see if you guys really DO read my blog! :)




Susy said...

What's up woman....Thought you would of commented by now! That was hard and kind of revealing to do. However I really loved it! Made me look back and think of so many things it was hard to pick and it also flooded my brain with the garbage that maybe needed to be brought up again to get out . Thanks

Mama C. said...

Don't worry, Mama... I just commented you! Yours is just about as interesting as mine! :) Guess we do have quite a bit in common, huh?


Erica said...

Don hasn't posted a list yet. :(

Although, in his defense, he at least writes. I can't get my Don to write at all.

Mama C. said...

I noticed, Erica (that Don O. hasn't posted his yet). But, in all fairness, he might feel a bit odd posting something so personal. After I tagged him, I thought that maybe I shouldn't have (not that anyone who's "tagged" is obligated by any means! :).

It must be so hard for someone like him, wondering who can you REALLY trust, and having to keep a close guard on what you say, how you say it, and to whom... you know?

He really does seem like such a good kid, though. I like him a whole lot.


Erica said...

It would be very hard for him I agree. And I only have heard nice things. (But that's also why I noted that he at least writes, I tried to get my hubby to co-journal with me before to no avail!)

I think it's good to tag though, it's an offer of friendship, and everybody needs friends. Regardless of having a famous kin or name.