Okay, so I'll be the first to admit that I've been shirking my blogging duties as of late (sorry, Sus...and thanks for the nudge!). I promise you guys it's not because I haven't wanted to. It's more because I've been INSANELY busy, with the holiday season kicked into gear. I've also been rather boring, with nothing more than general ramblings to post. And, I didn't want to turn my high-falootin' blog into a total yawn fest. That would be pure torture! :)
So... the day after Halloween, two of my favorite radio stations started playing Christmas music. Now, I know that some of you may hear that and start screaming your fool heads off, but let me tell you... I actually rather enjoy it. In fact, I just about love it. It SOOOOO puts me into the "Christmas spirit" (more than our current 60-ish degree weather does, that's for sure!). So, for the past week, I've been coming home from dropping the little one off at preschool, taking care of whatever things need to be done around the house first, then getting the live feed from the radio station on my computer, and putting myself into a wrapping stupor!
I mostly began the whole wrapping spree out of necessity. I had so many boxes and bags jammed into the corner of my room that their edges started creeping more and more onto the floor, to the point where I started tripping on them (more than once). When I stubbed my pinky toe on the hefty box (that housed several of my children's treasures), that was the proverbial straw. I hiked out all the wrapping paper, tags, Scotch tape and scissors, and went to town! I'm proud to say that that mountain is down to a mere hill! :)
How many of you use completely different wrapping paper and tags for your "Santa" gifts? I started down that particular road quite a few years back, when N. said, "Hey, Santa uses the same paper as you, Mom!" Smart little whippersnapper! Ever since, I've used EVERYTHING different for the stuff that "Santa" gifts. It can get a little confusing sometimes, but so far, I haven't made any profound mistakes.
I'm going to try and score tickets to this year's Polar Express ride, too.
We were fortunate enough to go last year, and it was a total blast. The ride is only limited to certain towns, but if you have the chance to go, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's great fun!
I also want to really try and go to see the Festival of Lights at the Stone Zoo this year. We went one year, when N. and R. were very small, and it was so wonderful. I wanted to go last year, but we just ran out of time. I'm hoping we'll get to see it again this year...it's so beautiful!
What are some fun things YOU want to do this holiday season?
Thank you for keeping me a breast of your daily ramblings. I enjoy them, yep I do. You see you have become a friend of mine. Though on line, you seem to know me pretty well and that allows me to call you friend..Kindred spirit eh? Plus I feel like I can tell you all.... weird eh?
Nope, not weird at all. I feel the same way about you, too! :)
For what it's worth. Santa doesn't wrap at our house...that's how you can tell which presents are from him ;) I'm jealous that you are wrapped. I had a similar experience with the mountain of bags and boxes in my room last week. I took everything out of bags, boxes etc. and inventoried everything. I still have to wrap.
Our zoo just started doing the Christmas lights a few years ago. That's on our list of things to do, as well as Festival of Trees, seeing the lights at Temple Square, and going snow shoeing. It will be here before we know it!
I wish the polar express was coming to my neck of the woods. My niece and nephews would have a blast. Maybe next year.
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