Friday, November 21, 2008

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (In OCTOBER??)

My friend and blogger bud Don posted about the overkill of Christmas and holiday music. His main gripe (as you will) is that it is played way too early, and that we should give each holiday its just due.

While I totally agree that the commercialization of Christmas leaves a LOT to be desired, and thoroughly takes away from the REAL reason we celebrate and value the holiday of Christmas, I have to admit... I love hearing the holiday music. Granted, radio stations who begin solely playing the festive tunes THE DAY AFTER Halloween may be pushing it a tad, but for me, their reasons are sound. The deejays explain that their rationale behind playing that particular genre of music so soon is to "lift people's spirits", by getting them in a holiday mood. I certainly enjoy tapping my feet to "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree", or "Here Comes Santa Claus" while I'm driving, or doing work on the computer, or whatever. And you know what? It does certainly work to lift my spirit some!

My own personal feeling is that Christmas music falls into the same category as every other type of music.... I love hearing it, as long as it's good. There's nothing more moving than hearing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing "Silent Night", or nothing more fun than hearing my little ones singing along to "Dominic the Donkey". (You can keep such pitiful pieces like "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" How dreadful!).

I, for one, am glad that the music is being played now. With the economy in flux, and our country on the brink of turmoil, maybe a little lightness of heart and lifting of spirits is in order for all of us.


Susy said...

Again you write my feelings so well. Great post my dear!
P.S Have a great weekend!

Robin L Greenslade said...

My daughter dances for a local dance studio. They have an annual Christmas recital the first week in December, so guess when we start hearing Christmas music?

The very first week of September.

I love it! I start playing my favorite cds in the car in November, and in the house the day after Thanksgiving (because my hubby is like Don, and thinks that each holiday should pass before he has to hear the next)

I love the sweet solemness of a beautiful Christmas ballad, I can't help but smile to an uplifting beat of a rockin Christmas Carol and I love the classics of Rudolf and Frosty...

I can do with out the Chipmonk Christmas tunes ....

Have a great weekend!

We are participating in a local holiday parade with the dance studio ---- our musical theme ---- CHRISTMAS!!!

Don said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the subject. I suppose that it's "to each, their own."

I'm looking forward to listening to Christmas music (I'm no Scrooge), I just think we are severely limited with the number of good music that you don't want to get tired of listening to it before the holiday is even here!

Regardless... loved your comments. And (for me) 7 days before I'll start the ol' turntable.

Natalie said...

I love the dominic the donkey video on you tube! I personally love " Oh holy night" , it is my very favorite christmas song. I like to hear Christmas music from mid november to new years, and that is it. I love the music out, but like Don said, to each his own, and I know two people who listen to it all year long..crazy!

Kay said...

I still love to listen to christmas music year round. Even the lights and tree is fine with me year round.
The commercialism- it doesn't bother me because it gives you a reason to buy something for people that mean something to you. And the person buying it might not be someone who normally is a gift giver, but the person they are buying for it shows them they are loved in just the right way.
What bothers me is how unkind people become when shopping. They fight or trample. Or how it's a contest to buy or receive the most expensive new electronic 'toy.' That's not commercialism, but something worse. Greed. It's all year round.. but some use xmas as an excuse.

Mama C. said...

While Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday, Karyn, I don't feel the need to use it as an "excuse" to buy anyone anything. If I'm in a store, and see something that say, my mom would like or need, I get it for her. It could be the middle of August, and 95 degrees outside! :)

The way I explain the whole Christmas gift giving process to my kids is this: Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and since He is filled with so much love for all of us, He decided that, instead of us buying HIM gifts, that he wanted us all to celebrate His birth by buying presents for one another, and sharing in the joy of his birth.

I personally think that if everyone adopted that philosophy (of sharing the joy), ALL YEAR 'ROUND, then it would be a much better world to live in.

Omgirl said...

I usually don't like Christmas music until after Thanksgiving too, but then I love it! I always start off my season with my favorite Christmas carols while I decorate the tree.