Thursday, December 18, 2008

Battening Down the Hatches

An impending snow storm is heading this way sometime tomorrow. Depending on which channel I turn to, the forecasters have different conclusions about how much is going to be dumped on us, and when it's going to begin. The general consensus is sometime late tomorrow afternoon, with an accumulation of anywhere between two and six inches.

Which could mean that it starts early tomorrow morning, and we'll get whalloped with three feet. Such is life along the coast. The ocean breezes can sometimes wreak havoc. If you don't believe me, take a gander at these:

After then, I think all of the meteorologists (especially the "old timers", who were here in New England forecasting that particular nightmare back then) have become a little gun shy when it comes to impending snow storms in our vacinity.

If there's one constant about snow, it's that it can sometimes be completely unpredictable.

Hopefully, this will all blow over and we won't get much of anything. I certainly wouldn't want to be cooped up in my house for a week, like we were back in '78. I have shopping to do! :)


Susy said...

Stay warm! Did you see the snow we got to play in, here in Vegas! It was wonderful! The kids had a blast!Keep your kiddo's warm!

Mama C. said...

I did! They even talked about it here on our news, saying it was quite the "miracle"!

Had you guys ever seen snow before then?

Hey... I forgot to tell you... I've found a former high school boyfriend of mine (on Facebook), and he's now settled in Vegas, too! He's working as a rigger for one of the Cirque de Soleil shows out there (Ka, I think, but I'm not sure). Wouldn't it be funny if you guys knew each other?
