I don't know about you guys, but to me, 2008 went by incredibly fast. And, as challenging as it was, quite frankly, I'm glad to see it gone. I always feel so hopeful on the first day of a new year. It's like everything's all squeaky clean. I've been given a massive "do over". And, I fully intend to do what I can to make the best of it.
I'm not much of a resolution maker, but I guess you could say that's mine. To do the best I can. To try and move forward, and to work to my best potential to make things better. That promise may sound trivial to some, but believe me, that simple statement carries a LOT of weight behind it. I only hope I can strive to make good on that vow.
If you, yourself, make resolutions, I hope that, whatever they are, you'll work to YOUR best potential to make them come true. And, try not to beat yourself up about it if they don't come to fruition. Remember...there's always next year! :)
Happy New Year, everyone!
I ma like you..I don't really make resolutions..just see things that I can and should improve on. Good luck. One of your goals should be to move to Utah this year! HA HA! Have a good one!
Happy New Year and have a great Year I know mine will be wonderful!
Happy New Year!
I made "one" big general resolution for this year:
To smile more, and not gripe about the small things that frustrate me; to follow through on those closet cleaning projects that have been put off too long, and to take a moment to listen more to what my husband is saying, rather than what I am hearing.
happy new year
Happy New year... and to start off the year right, I've tagged you!
Cheryl I keep checking to see if you have stopped by. I miss your comments so much, you are such a great writer and you make me feel good when you drop by...I have to go to Don's blog to see what ever you have written. MIss ya :(
Can you email or blog Erica because I have started a blog for home schooling it is Did you know? the link is: didyouknow123.blogspot.com. I know she home schools.
Thank you
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