Happy Labor Day, everyone!
Today marks the beginning of the Fall Flurry for our household. From the beginning of September, to the end of February, we're right out straight, and those six months just FLY by! Here are the notable dates:
September 2 -- N. starts school (Freshman in high school)
September 4 -- R. starts school (4th grade)
September 19 - S. has her "meet the teacher" day at school
September 23 - S. starts her first day of preschool
September 30 - N's. 14th birthday (with some kind of plan for celebration involved, including a cake on his birthday with us here at home)
October 30 - My husband's and my 15th wedding anniversary (we don't usually do much to celebrate this, but it's coming, just the same)
October 31 - Halloween (of course all you moms know what goes into planning all this!)
November 27 - Thanksgiving (we usually have Thanksgiving here every day, which means I spend all day Wednesday baking and cleaning, and all day Thursday cooking, cleaning... and collapsing!)
November 28 - Christmas shopping day (gotta take advantage of all those sales!)
December 25 - Christmas (this holiday is actually focused on all month long... between the shopping, the wrapping, the decorating, the cooking... it's insanity at its best!)
December 26 - R.'s 10th birthday (we also have a party here for her every year, about two weeks before her birthday, and have a cake for her on her birthday)
January something - the Yankee Swap and kid's grab swap for my family (since there are so many of us, being pulled in so many different directions on Christmas Day, we don't typically all see each other. So, sometime in January we have a Yankee Swap for the adults, and a kid's grab for the kids. This is also typically held at my house, but at least it's pot luck, so I don't have to cook EVERYTHING, thank goodness!)
February 22 - S's. 4th birthday (again, we have a party for her sometime in February, with a cake for her on her birthday)
And of course, in between all of those dates is all of the planning, preparation, shopping, stressing, decorating, and detailing that goes into every single one! See why it's such a flurry??
How about you guys? What is your fall/winter season like? Are you as crazy as I am, or does it just pass by you, relatively unnoticed?
On another note, I have to make a correction regarding my last week's weight loss. I gotta tell ya... math has never been my strong suit, and I got my total loss for the week all wonky. I only lost 2.4 pounds in a week (hey... I'll still take it! :). This past week, I lost 2.6 pounds, for a total of five pounds!
We're thinking about using the guest passes I won and taking the kids to the N.E. Aquarium today. We'll have to see how the day unfolds. Guess that means I have to get dressed, huh? ;)
P.S. -- I got your Google tag, Natalie, and I tried to complete it LATE last night. I was halfway into it, when all of a sudden, my computer "blinked", and when the Blogger screen came back, it was BLANK! AAAARRRRRGGGHHH! I'll complete it soon, I promise.
oh! you're anniversary is Devil's Night! So is/was my parents!
Yeah, he wanted to get married ON Halloween, but I didn't want that particular affiliation attached to my wedding day, you know?
I loved getting married in late fall, though. Such nice weather for a wedding! :)
I did the google tag, lots of fun! By the way Steve and I wanted to be married in October but the building wasn't available. So we were married on the 4th of November, for the same reasons as you. We love the fall!
Hope you had a good day!
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