My little one did wind up waking up several times during the night last night. She got up once to go potty, but put herself right back to bed, after apparently coming into my room .... and I know that because I awoke to find my bedroom door wide open. I went in to check on her, though, and she was sound asleep. (She told me this morning that she came in to tell me she had to go potty -- not that I ever heard her -- and then she proceeded to go upstairs to her sister's room, but she came back down when she discovered her sister was asleep. Well, uhm, yeah... it was the middle of the night!).She woke me up twice, too.... with the same crying, screaming fit. But, this time, I shooed her right back into her bed, tucked her in, and filled her up with kisses, hugs, and thoughts of happy dreams. Something must have worked, because she didn't crawl into our bed once. Hopefully, this marks the beginning of some sort of breakthrough.My friend Natalie posted pictures of her sleeping little one on her blog. If you ask me, there's nothing quite so precious as a baby sleeping. Their tiny little bodies, all nestled into a tight ball, their lips all puckery, and their cheeks all rosy. It's the closest thing to perfection that I've ever witnessed.I don't make it a habit of posting my children's pictures on the Internet (just being a protective, paranoid Mama, I guess), but I did promise Natalie that I'd post the picture that I took of my little one's hands while she was sleeping:
Isn't that one of the most precious sights you've ever seen? She was about 12 months, and had passed out on the living room floor (ahhhh.... the days when she fell asleep anywhere!), and I decided, since she looked so cozy, to just cover her up with her taggie blanket (if you're a mom of a little one, or know a mom of a little one, or know a mom who's expecting a little one, I highly recommend one of these blankets! They're the coolest things!), and left her to sleep. Of course, she was just so darn cute, so I had to grab my camera and snap a few shots. It was then that I noticed her hands. They looked so beautiful, that I couldn't resist taking a picture of them, too. Her sweet, pudgy, little hands, grasping at something she's only seeing in her dreams.Too bad she can't find that object of contentment these days. Now, she just runs, screaming into my room. Sigh.
oh..I love that picture! Chubby little sleeping/praying hands! I know...there is something so sweet about their little priceless expressions during sleepy time! I can't get enough of it!
Hey just popping over from PW's site and wanted to say "Hi!" :-) Love that pic of your babies hands. So so sweet, makes my uterus ache. Love your blog!
Well, hiya, Kate! Glad you decided to pop in! :)
I guarantee you, if you were within a ten foot radius of my littlest little now, not only would your uterus immediately stop aching, but it would run away and hide! She's going through a "holy terror" phase that can be frightfully unpleasant at times. It's a good thing she's so darn cute! :)
Feel free to stop in anytime... my blogger "door" is always open! :)
Stopped over from PW's and following your instructions... "hey"
Great shot of your baby girl's little hands. I used to go to a podiatrist that had pictures of his 3 babies feet when they were newborns... I thought that was so cool too. It is just fascinating to look at the perfection in those tine parts!!
What a fun post...
Helen G.
Aha! You do have a name, Reddirt Woman! Just goes to show you how scattered my brain is right now... I didn't spot it until I read your reply the second time. Sorry about that!
Glad you decided to stop by. Feel free to pop in whenever you'd like.
Love the picture! Nothing like a sleeping baby ...
Thanks, MissCaron! And thanks, too, for stopping in! :)
aww, I love little baby hands!
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