My youngest daughter, who was turning three, was adamant about having a Princess Party. Specifically, she wanted a Belle party. So... to fit the theme, I searched high and low for a suitable poster of JUST Belle, so I could play a game equivalent to Pin the Tail on the Donkey (turning it into Pin the Crown on Belle... or something like that).
I looked online, I looked in toy stores, I looked in art stores... and couldn't find anything with JUST Belle, posed in a fashion that would work.
One day, while scoping out different stores to find birthday gear for her, I came across a Beauty and the Beast coloring book, with a PHENOMENAL picture of Belle holding a single, long-stemmed red rose on the back cover.
I hesitated at first, but then thought, what the heck! It doesn't have to be perfect, 'cause it's only for little kids... but I'll just use that picture as a template and DRAW the darn thing!
Well, I have to admit... although the persepctive on her face is a little wonky (I was drawing her on my dining room table, and never bothered to lift the posterboard up to see what it looked like at eye level until I was done), I think it turned out rather well, if I do say so myself:

So... my fellow artists... what do you think?
Hi Cheryl! I followed you here from Erica's blog. Not only is the picture great, what a fantastic idea for a little girl's princess party game!! Awesome job!!
Hiya, Gretchen! I've been poking in on your blog, too! ;)
My oldest daughter is a real tomboy, so I never got the chance to have a real "girly" party with her. I made up for it with my youngest's, and went whole hog with the princess thing!
You should have seen how my house was decorated... I think I bought out all of the tulle at Jo-Ann's! :)
I also played a couple of fun little games, and offered prizes to the winners of each. The "Pin the Rose on Belle" was one, and I also played a game called "Princess S's Forgotten Birthday". I had all the kids who wanted to play sit around in a circle. Then, I gave the birthday girl a small wrapped present, and read a fairytale I'd written. As I was reading along, the kids had to begin passing the present along to their right. Each time they heard either the word "right" or "left" in the story, they had to pass it in the appropriate direction. The kid who wound up holding the present by the time I said "The End"...won! :)
I had them play a few other games, and they all left saying it was one of the best parties they'd been too! It was a LOT of work, but a lot of fun, too! :)
I think your Belle turned out quite nicely. I think you did quite well with the face. Disney is soo hard. I have one of Belle I tried years day, I'll take classes!
I must say, I really loved having a post for me! (and I see my family is invading, bwahahaha! Gretchen is my cousin.)
Thank you both for the sweet compliments!
I don't mind the "invasion". Like I said, I'm from a big family, too, so you guys are making me feel right at home! :)
I thought it was the coloring book page itself! I think you did a really good job.
Belle is one of my favorites.
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