You know how sometimes songs just get stuck in your head? There's one quite beautiful one that's been floating around inside my brain all day. At odd times, all day long, I've been either humming it, or singing a few bars.
I started getting to the point where it was borderline annoying; I'd just about shaken it loose, when I found myself revisiting it again. So, I thought maybe, if I released it here... it would find a way to escape. To vaporize out of my brain, and back into the musical atmosphere. But, after seeing this beautiful interpretation, I must admit I'm not so sure I'm ready to let it go:
It was only by reading all of the lyrics, as this young woman posted them, that I think I discovered the reason why I can't shake this song. It was the line "If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone."
I'm blessed in my life to be able to say I know exactly how that feels.
It's always a wonderful, amazing surprise when the love you feel for someone just sneaks up on you in unsuspecting moments like that. Goosebump moments, I call them. Moments that make your heart swell, and the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Moments when you quietly re-discover the reasons why you fell in love in the first place.
Moments that I always cherish, and that always make me smile.
"...all the while it was you."
te amo.
that song is nice!
Do you know who sings it or what it's called?
It's by a new artist named Landon Pigg (, and the song's official title is called "Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop".
It was initially featured in a "Diamond Is Forever" commercial that aired right before Christmastime, 2007 (
When I first saw that commercial, I liked everything about it. Not only is Landon's song just wonderful, I could definitely relate the couple in it. My husband isn't pretentious at all, and if he were to buy me such a stunning necklace (which I sincerely hope someday he will, despite the fact that he's declared that I've reached my quota of diamonds! Ha! Little does he know! ;), he's just the type of guy that would gift it to me in such a sweet, nonchalant way.
Like I said... goosebump moments.
That's a cool song. Though I'm curious to know why the cut out letters were used. It changes the song's meaning a little for me.
It was a young girl that posted the video. Perhaps she thought it was "cool". I wanted to post Landon Pigg's original video, but he removed the embedding, so I couldn't. I was bummed.
Glad to have you come and "visit" me, Don! :)
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